PPC Specialist Guide: Role & Skills Of PPC Specialist

Picture of Meet Parekh
PPC Specialist guide

The digital marketing world is evolving at a much faster pace than expected. To become an expert in the digital marketing world you may not need a particular degree. You just need expertise in the field that you are doing. You should have a good command of the English language, a stronghold over keyword research, and good knowledge about landing page design is a must. There are various roles in the digital marketing industry that you can take up like, content marketing, PPC Specialist, web designer, etc. 

As the demand for digital marketing agencies continues to grow, there is an increase in the revenue generated from online ads, which in turn leads to more money being invested in social media marketing and ad agencies. As a result of this, there is an increased demand for PPC experts in the field of digital marketing. Let us see what these PPC Specialists do and what is their role in the field of digital marketing. 

Pay Per Click (Pay per click)

First of all, let us know in detail about what Pay Per Click is. PPC or pay per click is an internet advertising model. This model helps in driving more traffic to your site. In this type of model, whenever a person clicks on the ad, the advertiser will have to pay some amount of money to the digital platform on which they are running their ads. It is usually associated with well-known search engines like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and LinkedIn. 

Basically PPC is a form of paid advertising which allows you to buy visits for your website. As a result, it works way much faster than organic visits. It also helps to quickly increase brand awareness, generate leads, and increase the conversion ratio. For example, if you are paying $1 for a click, and that click gets converted into a 200 $ purchase or into your potential client, then definitely you are getting a bumper prize for it. 

Role of a PPC Specialist

The PPC Specialist has got a very important and special role in the paid-ad campaign of the client.  He or she is responsible for the management of the entire Pay Per Click ad-campaign of that particular client this includes strategic planning, designing, and implementation of the ad-campaign. 

It is a very challenging role, where a person should be able to manage multiple things at a time and should be able to decide in the nick of time, what needs to be done in a client’s campaign studying the statistical trend of the previous ad-campaigns run by the client or by your company. They should also ask the company to provide the data of the audience that they are targeting and the buyer persona. The PPC specialist should also be comfortable in doing the following things.

  • Keyword research
  • Landing page design
  • Trend-watching

Keyword research

Keyword research is a very important factor for any digital marketing agency. It is the base of digital marketing and is also helpful in the paid campaigns of the clients. 

Keyword research helps you understand what exact words and phrases most of the people are using in Google and other search engines to look up for the particular product or thing that your client is selling. Using these keywords into the PPC ad-campaigns will give a huge boost to your ad- campaign.

Landing Page Design

The ads that you have hosted on various social media platforms will direct the users to the landing page on your site, where you have just a few seconds to hold the attention of your user. 

As a result, you should have a very strong landing page with proper design and it should be conveying the purpose of your site or product very clearly. Your landing page should be perfect. Without a perfect landing page, you do not stand even a one percent chance of getting good leads and increasing your conversion rate. 


A PPC specialist should have a good understanding of Google algorithms and should know how to outsmart the ever-changing Google algorithm and run your ad-campaigns accordingly. A PPC specialist should also do a detailed study and analysis of what the target audience and buyers respond to and what exactly they are looking for in order to know exactly who your target audience is. 

For example, if you are running an ad-campaign for electronic items, then you should also have in-depth knowledge about the current trends and the ever-changing technologies in electronic goods. This will help you target your audience easily and run an efficient ad-campaign.

Skills of a PPC Specialist

A PPC specialist has to manage a lot of things at the very same time and hence he should have multiple skills that will come in handy to the person while executing his duties effectively. These are the skill sets that a PPC specialist should have

  • Time management
  • Technical expertise
  • Knowledge of eCommerce
  • Knowledge of Statistics
  • Knowledge of AdWords and Ad copywriting
  • Mastery in design and landing pages
  • Passion and Hunger for knowledge
  • Understanding your consumer
  • Adaptability and Communication skill

Time Management

Time management is the skill that is required at each and every phase in life and as a PPC specialist, it is a must that you should have these skills. As a PPC specialist, a person needs to have in-depth knowledge of changing market trends and at the very same time, he or she also has to run paid ad-campaigns for multiple clients at the same time and all these needs a lot of time management. Because the to-do list is more and the time in hand in a day is just twenty-four hours. 

Technical Expertise

For the Paid ad-campaign of the client, you should be able to understand the technicalities that are involved in it. These technicalities involve the algorithms of various platforms like Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. These platforms continuously keep changing their algorithms for ad-campaigns and various other things. 

If you are not having any knowledge of this, you will not know how to work around these changes and you will not be able to run successful ad campaigns. If you are having a client that is dealing with electronic items then the PPC expert should have knowledge of the latest technologies in electronic items. Then only she or she can run a successful paid campaign for that particular client. 

Knowledge of eCommerce

Digital marketing and eCommerce practically work hand in hand. So, it is very important that you have an in-depth knowledge of how the eCommerce industry works and how to optimize your paid campaign and PPC efforts for retail. A PPC expert should know which eCommerce site is best to run the paid campaign for the client’s site and how should he do that. He should also have the knowledge of how to insert the ad-trackers.

Knowledge of Statistics

If you choose to work as a PPC specialist then you need to have in-depth knowledge of Statistics and data analysis. Because when you are running a client’s paid campaign, you have to study a lot of things like impressions, clicks, click-through rates, conversions, and much more. 

You need to study these numbers and then make the best decision which is in favor of your company as well as your client. For example, you have run two ads one is having a higher CTR but, no conversion ratio, and the other one is having low CTR but, the conversion rate is higher in this one. Then you should be able to decide which one to choose from. 

Knowledge of Adwords and Ad-copywriting

First of all, a PPC Specialist should have in-depth knowledge of Adwords. Google Adwords is the most popular advertising platform, and if you want to run successful ad campaigns then you should know how to work with Google Adwords. For this, you need to know which high ranking keywords to target from, how to place a good bid, how Google determines when to show your ads, and how to start and manage ad campaigns. 

One can become a good PPC expert only if people click on the ads that are run by you. For that, you need to write a good call to action and know how to tweak them if they do not give desired results. You should also be able to connect with your audience, know which keywords are the best, and also make sure that your ad aligns with your landing page.

Mastery In Design and Landing Pages

As a good PPC expert, you should know how to best design your ads. Even if you are hosting your ad on a well-known hosting platform the most important thing that appeals at the first sight is the visual appeal. So, you should be aware of the graphics that are used to design these ads and how to use them. 

Landing pages are another aspect that you should be expert in. After clicking on a particular ad run by you, a user lands on the landing page of the site. The landing page should be simple and explain the idea projected in your ad in a simple and natural manner. In short, the landing page should be simple, easy to follow, but interactive enough to hold the user’s attention. 

Passion and Hunger For Knowledge

The digital marketing industry is constantly evolving and you should have the passion to learn new things and implement them. Also, the research that you need to do is endless for a variety of your clients. So, you should be eager to gain more knowledge and implement it. Also, you should have the passion to try new techniques to run your ad-campaigns and slowly and gradually improve and become the best. 

Understanding Your Consumer

You need to understand the brand that you are representing in order to determine the search intent of the customer. If you do not understand what your client has to offer, then you will not be able to determine the buyer persona and in turn, will not be able to give a successful ad campaign.

Adaptability and Communication Skills

Digital marketing trend is constantly changing and improving and you should have that skill to adapt to new changes and run your campaign. You should also have strong communication skills in order to convey your idea not only to your client but, also to your team members. 

Language is the most important thing that the PPC expert should know how to use. A slight difference in the wordings of the ad-campaign can either result in great results or ruin your campaign. So, it is very important to know the language that you are using. Also, you should know how to pursue your users to click on the ad and land on the landing page. 

So, these are the skills that a PPC expert requires to run his or her ad-campaign successfully. If you know of something else please let us know in the comments section below.

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