Technical SEO Guide Before 2021 Starts

Picture of Meet Parekh
Technical SEO Guide

In the recent scenario, a business needs to have an online presence and work towards maintaining its visibility and relevancy in a search engine box. With technological advancement, data has become indispensable as people have left referring to those bulky yellow pages while looking for any product or services.

People are more likely to visit a search box engine for searching whatever they want. It implies that every user experience starts on a search box engine. This has led SEO to become one of the substantial systems for marketing and building brand recognition on online platforms.

One should always practice technical optimization for a healthy website presence online. Avoiding any apt technique will result in several problems while creating your presence on search engines. Majorly people think that having strong content and backlinks on their website will make them rank, but this is just not the case.

There is a need for technical SEO to complete your website and to get the desired results accompanied by a higher ranking. For creating a strong foundation of your website, you should have a robust framework.

What is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO doesn’t have any standard definition, but there are some SEO experts who think technical SEO is something that provides a beneficial platform for making your content rank and brings in success.

It also ensures that your website is complying with all the guidelines set by the search engines. Technical SEO is much more about scalability, depth, detail, advanced cross-functional understanding, and also execution.

Technical SEO falls under the domain of the On-Page SEO services framework, but it has been majorly complicated by implying that it belongs to some other domain. Actually, SEO service is divided into two parts: On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO.

What is Technical SEO?

Surprisingly, You can understand Technical SEO in terms of the human body. You might be confused, so let’s clear all your doubts. Just like our human body needs to take care of itself by taking the right amount of nutrients and sleep. It also has to ensure the proper working of internal organs. If these conditions aren’t met, it will be hard for anyone to perform or work in their best abilities.

The technical SEO is indistinguishable to the human body as it also works on optimizing the interior parts of the website that will eventually enhance the exterior parts of it. The main objective of technical SEO is to drive traffic to the site, get higher revenues, top Search Engine Rankings Page (SERPs), boost the health and metrics.

You can use various techniques of technical SEO for getting the desired results even without any help of a third-party service provider. If any technical problem emerges, there are digital companies out there to help in technical optimization of your website.

Why is technical SEO important?

Generally, Technical SEO is used by website owners for improving their website’s structure. It will eventually help the search engine crawler/indexer bots in finding your website easily and crawl for indexing and ranking its various web pages rapidly. 

Interestingly, Technical SEO is not related to the optimization of content on a website like other on-page SEO activities. Its focus lies on having a structural sound,well-planned and cleverly laid out website. 

Such activity will be helpful in building an excellent reputation for the website and also result in Google picking up on ranking signals such as feedback, reviews, time spent on the site, etc. for giving it a quality search ranking.

Technical SEO and its evolution

SEO services have gone through multiple changes in all these years as they are ever-evolving. This specific characteristic of SEO has put the experts to work continuously towards changing and evolving the overall nature of SEO services and technical SEO specifically. Due to this need for constant change and evolution, there has been an increase in the scope of understanding.

Each of Google updates ultimately provides a better understanding of the web. Not only that, but it is also helpful in strategy and approaches optimization for creating the finest performing website. It is seen that a superior website will always have a better relationship with the search engine. These cordial relations will reward you considerably.

There have been instances where people think that technical SEO doesn’t need their attention and keep on working towards creating fine content and backlinks. But this is not a smart strategy as these small problems will start accumulating and affect the ecosystem adversely. This factor can be considered behind big companies setting up a separate technical Seo team.

Avoiding technical SEO may cost you a lot with several backlogs such as lesser traffic on-site, low search rankings, lesser visibility, and discoverability, diminishing metrics and SEO scores, getting De-indexed by search engines.

Technical SEO Guide 2021

As of now, you might be known to the importance held by technical SEO in the sphere of overall SEO. Technical SEO will work for you in the desired way only when it has been implemented aptly. In this ever-evolving world of SEO, nothing remains constant, and the same rule also applies to technical SEO.

Here, we bring you a list of points that you should add to your SEO checklist for aptly implementing the technical SEO 2021.

Mobile Friendly

Google has now started mobile-first indexing, where it indexes and crawls websites from mobile and considers it to be the most crucial one. Due to this change, there is a need for rapid mobile speed and mobile-friendliness. 

Technical SEO Guide Before 2021 Starts

Your website will not be indexed by the search engines if it isn’t mobile-friendly. Remember that you can always keep a check on how well you’re doing by using Google Search Console Data. Most importantly, your data on mobile sites should be similar to the one on the desktop.

There are times when you open some websites and can’t find half of the section as they haven’t optimized the website for mobile. There could also be an emergence of errors while opening a website in mobile if not optimized properly.

Loading Speed

Don’t we all love speed, anything that is slow and takes time annoys us like anything. It is the same scenario with websites and their page loading speed. Nowadays, people don’t wait for your website to load if it takes more than expected time and leaves, leading to a rise in bounce rates. 

Technical SEO Guide Before 2021 Starts

According to a survey, not much surprisingly, 40% of people leave a website if the loading takes more than 3 seconds. Even the pictures on your website that aren’t optimized are a significant reason behind a slow loading speed.

To make your site rank, ensure the page loading speed; otherwise, this could result in lesser traffic and will affect the condition of your business. Now, it’s considered much more important after Google listed it as one of the ranking factors. You can clear all your doubts regarding the website’s speed by opting for Google Page Speed Insights, which will help in analyzing the speed of your website.

Security is a must

Earlier it was only eCommerce websites that had to ensure having SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) software to create a safe and secure platform for initiating transactions. With the changing time, Google made it mandatory for every site to have such securing software for getting higher organic search rankings on SERPs.

Technical SEO Guide Before 2021 Starts

The primary reason behind these cyber attacks is considered to be the third-party malware that creeps into the user’s devices while they are opening a website. Such incidents have been the primary reasons for Google opting for the HTTPS website when compared to HTTP websites.


While working on technical SEO 2021, remember that Robots.txt is utterly important for providing access to Google’s crawlers and bots for looking into different segments of your website. These different segments define the specific pages you wish to be indexed and the others you don’t want to get indexed.

Technical SEO Guide Before 2021 Starts

In simple words, robots.txt will assure that the folders you wish to hide, won’t come up in Google’s search results or won’t even get crawled. You can check this overall process with the help of Google Console.

This robots.txt is an essential part of the technical SEO 2021 as they aid the crawlers, bots, and spiders to crawl through your website and discover various aspects like keywords, CTAs, content, images, internal links, and backlinks.

404-page optimization

When a person looks for the certain page of your website on a search engine and is not directed to the same due to some URL changes or non-existence of that page, it will eventually result in a 404 error page. Besides this, there could be many other reasons behind 404-page errors such as server malfunction or a wrong configuration due to inappropriate coding.

It is really important to make sure that your site doesn’t have any 404 pages. These 404 error pages can be a source of high penalties that could also adversely affect your website’s metrics, and not only that may also lead to de-indexing altogether.

Technical SEO Guide Before 2021 Starts

Suppose you’re using WordPress or any such platform for publishing content, it is a must to get your 404 error page optimized in order to have an uncanny resemblance to your website.

This will help audiences for migrating to other homogenous pages or move back to the point they started off. Such activity will even aid your website to be indexed and crawled easily by the web crawlers without much perplexity.

Optimizing the Content

No matter the type of SEO you opt for be it common SEO for CEO or Technical SEO, one thing that remains constant all over and holds equal importance is none other than the ‘Content.’ For making your content valuable enough, there is a need for page optimization on various keywords and get rankings. 

Technical SEO Guide Before 2021 Starts

Talking about technical SEO, here the search engines are mostly focusing on finding the alignment between several key markers. Just this alignment right there might get your page promoted on the search ranking by Google.

There are certain points not to give a miss while optimizing content like Focused Keywords, Title Tags, and Meta Description.

Schema Markup

It wouldn’t be surprising to say that we all as humans focus only on the big things while ignoring the small or tiny details. Most of the time SEO agencies often don’t pay enough attention to these tiny details while working on the strategy of technical SEO.

Technical SEO Guide Before 2021 Starts

But when working for technical SEO 2021, ensure working towards schema mark-up in HTML even if it doesn’t impact your ranking directly. As it might aid the search engine bots in accessing your content easily. 

One of the extensive edges that people mostly overlook about HTML schema mark-up is the ability to generate snippets. These snippets are functional for showing precise and concise search results.

Structure it well

Any website is the whole sole of its business, and if monitored properly on regular occasions, it may become an important aspect of SEO. There must be consistency in the website for attracting greater traffic towards it. If the website is crashed most of the time and isn’t accessible, there are sure chances of losing the audiences with lesser rankings and most essentially failing to create an impression on search engines.

Technical SEO Guide Before 2021 Starts

None of us would like to be on such a website where you’ll have to refresh a 1000 times for getting one page loaded and to be accessed. Ensure to get your servers or hosting issues fixed as soon as they occur because any delay in the same may cost you with lesser traffic that might result in lower rankings.

Wrapping Up

As we all know that SEO is an ever-evolving process and ain’t an easy one to exist in, there is a need for experts that have considerable knowledge for taking this task and working on it while also delivering desired results.

But SEO is not as complicated as it seems if you have competent knowledge about it. While moving on to technical SEO, it is an essential component for having a coherent and optimized website. It requires to work upon on a regular basis for getting the desired results and rankings.

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