85+ Blogging Statistics You Need to Know In 2021

Picture of Meet Parekh
Blogging Statistics

Blogging can be summed up as a task of both hard work and luck. There are times when your simple blog may do wonders and the next one may go flat like anything. Have you ever thought about the difference between the two? Well, many factors affect your blog and its likeability among audiences. Before penning your blog, it is important to keep a tab on the latest blogging statistics.

If you wish to be in the race for the long run, then you must definitely read these blogging statistics and make your blogs readable and impactful.

Here, we bring you some amazing blogging statistics that will help you make your blogs viral and increase both your traffic and revenue.

Top Blogging Statistics

  1. Every month more than 850 million blogs are published which makes the yearly total to 10 billion posts a year.
  1. By the end of this year (2020), the content marketing industry’s worth will be around $400 billion.
  1. Out of 4 internet users, almost 3 of them are regular blog readers.
  1. The majority number of blog posts on the internet is written in English.
  1. A considerable number of marketers have considered blogging to be an important part of content strategy.
  1. The content marketing industry is expected to grow at a rate of 16% per annum.
  1. Out of all the social media posts, almost 235 of them consist of a link to the blog post.
  1. A whopping 54% of people wish to experience more video content on online platforms.
  1. Majority of the websites present on the internet do have blog posts.
  1. Only 21.9% of bloggers post once in a week.

General Blogging Statistics

  1. Generally, 70 million blog posts are published on WordPress in a month.
  1. Surprisingly, a whopping 409 million people look at more than  20 billion pages.
  1. A person needs at least 3.5 hours to write a blog post.
  1. Talking about WordPress sites, 71% of them are written in English.
  1. Blogs with 2000+ words are more likely to have better results than other blogs with lesser word counts.
  1. Tumblr is becoming more popular with 441.4 million blog accounts.
  1. Companies curating blogs are likely to get 97% more links to their websites.
  1. When looking for a trustworthy source of information, blogs are positioned at the fifth position at this pedestal.
  1.  Among all, almost 43% of people have accepted that they have skimmed blog posts.
  1. Are list-based headlines fading? Certainly not, 36% of people prefer to read such headlines.
  1. It’s a must for a website to have blogs as it can get 434% more indexed pages.
  1. Out of all the people who use the internet, 70% of them are blog readers.
  1. Talking about people in the US, they spend 3X more time on blogs when compared to emails.
  1. While only 46% of bloggers like to edit their own blogs, the rest 56% of them hire somebody or ask someone else to do it for them.
  1. The third most popular headline of the world is none other than – “how-to” headline with almost 17% preference.
  1. While readers are reading blogs, they also generate a whopping 77 million new blog comments in just a month.
  1. Back in the year 2018, there were only 30.6 million bloggers in the US. But, by 2020 this number is expected to reach 31.7 million.

Blogging SEO Statistics

  1. Even today, 5% of bloggers are still not able to use analytics.
  1. While talking about content creation, almost 72% of online marketers have described it as their most effective SEO tactic.
  1. Almost 81% of content marketers know how important it is to have originally written content.
  1. The titles that attract the highest and consistent amount of traffic are the ones with 6-13 words.
  1. Very few marketers that are only 32% have well-documented content strategies.
  1. The top three metrics to check your blog’s success are its shares/views, page views, and bounce rate.
  1. According to 34% of bloggers, updating your content on a timely basis will help in improving your results.

Blogging Benefits Statistics

  1. Marketers who give priority to blogging are expected to enjoy 13 times more positive ROI.
  1. When compared to the non-blogging business, blogging business experience almost 126% higher lead growth.
  1. Writing more than 21 to 54 blog posts will help you in increasing your traffic by almost 30%.
  1. Content marketing brings 3 times more leads as compared to search advertising.
  1. Having better content can increase your blog traffic up by almost 2000%.
  1. Companies having blogs are more likely to have 55% more website visitors.

Blogging Traffic Stats

  1. Headlines that hyphen or colon in them are expected to click-through rates by 9%.
  1. Companies creating regular blogs on their website get twice the email enquiries when compared to the ones who don’t.
  1. 21% of CTR can improve with 6-8 words of a headline.
  1. If you wish to have more consistent traffic, then opt for 5-13 words titles.
  1. Talking about fetching traffic, 50% of bloggers find it challenging to get traffic from Facebook for the past two years, whereas one-fifth of them feel the same about Google.
  1. Almost 93% of bloggers are using promotional techniques to attract more traffic, along with paid ads.
  1. Out of 10 blog posts, at least one of them is the “compounding”. It means that the organic search will slowly increase with passing time.
  1. These compounding blogs can create as much traffic as those combined of  6 regular blog posts.

Guest Blogging Statistics

  1. 60% of bloggers try to create at least 1 to 5 guest posts in a month.
  1. While we talk so much about the originality of content, shockingly only 6% of bloggers publish original content as guest posts.
  1. Almost 79% of editors think of guest posts as a highly promotional tool.
  1. There is a  higher demand for guest posts in June, July, and August.
  1. If you want your blog to be credible, then get in multiple authors because 62.96% of readers feel such blogs to be more credible than others.

Travel Blogging Statistics

  1. Before travelling, almost 33% of US travelers look into travel blogs.
  1. Majority of the travel blogs, i.e. 94% of them sell advertising.
  1. While planning their travel, almost 80% of people use the internet.
  1. If you look into travel blogs, the majority of them are aged between 1 to 4 years.
  1. One of the main sources of income for travel bloggers is sponsored posts and publications.
  1. Generally, a travel blogger charges an average of $200 for every sponsored post.
  1. 59% of travel bloggers own more than one travel blog.

Social Media Blogging Statistics

  1. As of January 2019, Tumblr had 456.1 million blog accounts.
  1. A whopping 95.9% of bloggers use social media for promoting their blog posts.
  1. 69% of bloggers use social Share buttons.
  1. There are almost 59% of people who share blog posts without even reading them.
  1. One of the best social media platforms for delivering content & securing audience engagement is none other than LinkedIn.

Blogging With Visuals and Videos Stats

  1. Video content is considered to be 50% more effective when it comes to driving organic search traffic.
  1. 71% of bloggers use visuals as a part of their marketing strategy.
  1. 32% of marketers believe visuals to be an important part of the content for their website.
  1. Blogs with images get 94% more views than the ones with no images.
  1. While using pictures, make sure to use real pictures. It will provide you with a 35% conversion increase.
  1. Video is the new form of content for sure! Almost 43% of consumers are asking for more video content from marketers.

Blogging Promotions Statistics

  1. A majority of 70 to 80% of people focus only on organic results rather than on paid ads.
  1. Social media has helped 87% of people in boosting their exposure.
  1. Almost 72% of marketers have given Facebook paid advertising a try.
  1. While planning their content strategy, only 9% of marketers include medium to their list.
  1. Bloggers are using several ways to drive traffic, 96% of them are using social media, while 68% of them are using SEO, and the rest 61% of them are using email marketing.

Blogging Growth

  1. The world of blogging has been growing since 2015 by 12%.
  1. In 2019, more than 500 million blogs existed on the internet.
  1. Currently, there are 1.9 billion web pages and with this growth rate, it is expected to reach 2 billion within the year.
  1. The majority number of blogs are 1151 words. It is almost an increase of 42% when compared to the last 5 years.

Blogging Statistics for Marketers

  1. Thinking of reusing a blog? You can absolutely. Almost 60% of marketers reuse their blogs from 2 to 3 times.
  1. 57% of marketers thank blogging for increasing their customers.
  1. Blog copywriting is being outsourced by almost 64% of B2B marketers.
  1. B2B marketers with blogs have chances of getting 67% more leads.
  1. 53% of marketers consider blogging as a priority in their content marketing strategy.
  1. As many as 60% of B2B marketers struggle with creating engaging content.

SEO and Analytics Statistics

  1. Bloggers who always keep a check on their blog’s performance are expected to get higher and better results.
  1. We all know about the importance of long-tail keywords hold in SEO. Almost 55% of searches on Google are out of the 10 million most popular keywords.
  1. While 34% of bloggers always keep checking their analytics, it keeps on increasing from what it was in the previous year.

The question that is still unanswered is, 

What Does It Take For A Blog To Be Successful and Loved Among Readers?

There is not just one single factor that might affect the success of your blog. The factors on which your blog’s success depends upon are domain authority, domain age, and quality & quantity of content.

Out of all these factors, the most important factor is quality content.

No matter what you do, try your best to create quality content, in order to do so here are the things you’ll have to take into account. While using blogging as your content marketing strategy:

  • Spend adequate time on researching and try to add as many as statistics and facts to your blog
  • Spare at least a minimum of 6 hours for every blog post.
  • Publish one blog post in a month.
  • Try to work in a team for better ideas and their execution.
  • If you need, feel free to ask your editors.
  • Make sure to add engaging media to your blogs such as audio, video, and photos.
  • Keep updating your content regularly.
  • Always remember the three metrics: Quality content, good layout, and regular publishing


The blogging industry is becoming increasingly tougher day by day. Due to this, it is quite challenging for everyone to survive and make their blog rank. Not putting enough effort will definitely lead you towards failure. It is highly recommended to be updated about the latest blogging statistics to know about what will work and what will not.

These were the most important blogging statistics for the year 2020. We hope this blog will help plan your future blogs.

If you have any suggestions or feedback, please feel free to share it in the comments.

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