Amazon SEO Strategy & Search Term Optimisation

Picture of Jaydip
amazon seo strategy

Whenever it comes to SEO strategies, we always think of Google. Everyone wants their website to rank top on Google’s search page. However, websites and Google are not the only places where you can sell your products; Amazon Product page can be an extremely profitable way of selling your products if you implement the right Amazon SEO Strategy.

It would seem easy at first but there is a lot of competition going on there. You’ve to compete with other sellers for better visibility and top rankings in the search results pages.

Usually, a person comes to Amazon with a single goal: to buy a product. The one question which stays is: From which seller they should buy?

If you want the reply to be ‘me’, then it’s really important for you to rank on the first page as 70% of Amazon shoppers don’t search beyond this.

Hence, to rank high you need to know the basic principles of the Amazon Search algorithm.

Let’s get started.

Amazon Search Algorithm- A9

Similar to the search giant Google, Amazon examines the search results by an algorithm called A9. The A9 algorithm decides which products to show and the positions in which those products will rank. The judgment is based on factors like relevance to the search words, former buyer behavior, and the number of previous purchases.

A seller must know the benefits of getting a favor from Amazon. But at the same time, it should also be known that Amazon favors those listings whose conversion is high, not the listings that are packed with keywords.

Product Listings that do not rank on the first page cannot be seen by most of the shoppers. That means that most business comes from the first page of the search results and especially from the first three listings.

Now, you know the importance of optimizing your product listing for the A9 search engine results.

The Amazon SEO Strategy

Amazon SEO is all about escalating the “Purchase” possibility. A successful Amazon SEO strategy involves a variety of factors and understanding these factors is important despite of you’re new or experienced.

The strategy begins with Keyword Research as it’s important to know what your customers are looking for.

Another major factor is Relevancy; make use of relevant keywords and phrases in your product listing. Your main keyword phrases should be used in the product title, features, description, and search terms in the back end.

The presence of these words will help you to get great exposure and facilitate search engines to identify and categorize your product effectively. However, keywords play a crucial and decisive role but don’t think that the use of keywords alone is going to help you with your Amazon’s product SEO. There are other things to do as well.

We can categorize them into two:

  1. Optimization
  2. Analyzing

Optimization is a never-ending procedure and you’ll need to go through the phases of optimizing and analyzing.

You will need to analyze what keywords are fruitful in converting sales and add those in your listing for optimization and attract more and more customers.

You can always add and edit keywords to the listing. But the main focus is to identify what actually works and what does not.

Beware of the fundamental principles of Amazon’s A9, the algorithm which rules Amazon’s search engine and search results.

Amazon SEO Keyword Research

The process of Search Engine Optimizations starts with an appropriate and effective keyword research strategy. It’s essential to find the best keywords for your product.

There are numerous ways to find and choose the best-suited SEO keywords for your listings. And here we’ve listed a few of the ways which allow sellers to discover the potential SEO Keywords for your eCommerce SEO.

#1 Steal from the Toppers

It is one of the finest ways to find relevant and effective keywords for your listings. You need to spot the most popular product listings in your category and note their details. Select only those products that are ranking in the top 3 or 4 in your preferred category and have the maximum number of reviews.

Here is an example:

Amazon SEO Strategy & Search Term Optimisation

Once you’ve gathered a nice list, explore it accurately, and extract the most relevant and frequently used keywords from it. You can use the tools like MerchantWords to know the search volume of a product on Amazon.

Now, you’ve got an impeccable list of relevant keywords. Go ahead!

#2 Use the power of Amazon Auto-Fill suggestions

This is the easiest way to find keywords. All you have to do is to open and enter the initials search term on its search bar.

Amazon SEO Strategy & Search Term Optimisation

But first, remember to log out of your account and clear your cache and history to elude any suggestions based on your previous searches.  You will start seeing the auto-fill suggestions that will help you determine the searching terms related to your products.

#3 Use Keyword Research Tools

Keyword Research is an important part of the Amazon SEO strategy. Skipping an imperative keyword is like skipping opportunities to attract shoppers.

We know it’s not an easy task to find each and every keyword but luckily there are several keyword tools that will help you with your Amazon SEO.

Let’s take a look at a few of the Amazon keyword tools presently available on the market.

S.NO. Name Price Details
1 Google Keyword Planner Free Google’s Keyword Planner is a free tool that enables you to find relevant keywords for any search term along with an estimated search volume.
2 Sonar Free Sonar is an amazing keyword research tool that gathers the list of most searched keywords on Amazon by using a complex algorithm. However, it does not provide higher features needed for the analysis of the acquired data.
3 Keyword Tool A free version is available A fast and effective tool for Amazon retailers to discover the best possible keywords for their product listings. But you will need to buy the PRO version for Advanced Features.
4 Ahrefs Site Explorer $29 to $69 Ahrefs Site Explorer is mostly considered for backlink analysis, but this tool has other features as well and Amazon Keyword Research is one of them. It reveals the keywords that drive organic traffic to a page.
5 Keyword Tool Dominator $49,99 It’s a Google Chrome extension that is effective for finding Long Tail Keywords.

Amazon Title Optimization

Your title is the most valuable part of your Amazon product listing. Most of the categories will provide you a limit of 200-250 characters for your product title, and you should know how to use all of it.

According to Amazon best practices, a product title should include:

  • Brand name
  • Product line
  • Material or key feature
  • Product type
  • Color
  • Size
  • Packaging/Quantity of product

The most common query that strikes while creating product titles is related to the length.

Should it be lengthy and stuffed with keywords? Or kept crisp, short, and to the point? You’ll find numerous examples of both. To clear the mystification, Amazon lists the following suggestions for writing the perfect product titles:

Don’t Stuff With keywords – Don’t forget that you are writing for shoppers and not for robots. Your main goal is to grab the eyes of the shoppers. So, avoid keyword-stuffing!

Include something valuable – Adding a product benefit or a key element will give a chance to stand out as different from your competitors. Think about your target audience, and plan accordingly.

Here is an example of Jungle Stix, the listing includes all the details people want to know and a special ‘eco-friendly and biodegradable’ feature to add value!

Amazon SEO Strategy & Search Term Optimisation

Include Main Keywords – Placing the main keywords in your product title will add a great impact to your listing. Add 1 to 3 primary keywords in your title. Ensure they are highly relevant to your product.

Amazon Search Terms Optimization

Search Term is a vital part of your Amazon SEO strategy and you should never ignore it.

Presently, Amazon provides 250 characters for the search term field and your focus is to utilize it accurately to increase the exposure of your listing.

Here is an example:

Amazon SEO Strategy & Search Term Optimisation

Utilize all the related search terms and phrases that you were not able to use in your product title. Avoid the repetitive use of keywords.

Add commas or punctuation and keep your phrases in lower case for better and cleaner looks. It seems normal but it’s crucial for your search volume.

More than 50 Amazon sellers modified their search terms, but only a few of them managed to set it accurately. Correct optimization of search terms will not only augment search volumes but will also give you an edge over other sellers.

Amazon Product Feature Optimization

Amazon allows 2000 characters for the description field. Utilize this field by explaining key features and attract shoppers with your copywriting talent. You can also add your top 2-3 search terms to your product features in addition to the bucket of your backend Amazon search terms.

Again, you don’t need to keyword stuff here. However, you should always consider one keyword term per product feature if possible.

A9 not only indexes product features and increases the potential ranking but it also encourages conversion rates if the customers are able to decide quickly what kind of product they are exactly looking for.

Amazon Product Description Optimization

The last place where you can add your primary search term is in the product description. Amazon generally offers two product description options for sellers with the brand registry:

  • Regular Product Description
  • Enhanced Brand Content

However, A9 doesn’t index the Enhanced Brand Content option. If you want to use this feature, you need to include an optimized regular product description for the same.

However, if you want to include your primary keywords in the content, Google does index the Enhanced Brand Content.


We hope that you found this guide helpful!

Optimizing your product listing for the first time can upsurge the discoverability and attractiveness of your products up to 80%. However, it’s not the end; ongoing optimization and analysis are needed to keep you up with the Amazon marketplace trends.

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