Definite Guide On Enterprise SEO Strategies [2021]

Picture of Priyansha Paliwal
Enterprise SEO Strategies

If you’re looking for ranking your large-scale website, then you’ll have to understand the concept of enterprise SEO. Talking further about enterprise SEO, it is a bit more expensive when compared to SEO on a smaller scale. Enterprise SEO is one of that SEO that requires a greater number of stakeholders too. It is difficult to work on enterprise SEO but if you make use of the right enterprise SEO strategies you’re surely going to rank higher on the SERPs.

To help you in the journey of enterprise SEO, here we bring you a comprehensive guide on enterprise SEO strategies. These strategies will help you reach your goals and touch the lives of your users.

What is Enterprise SEO?

The term Enterprise SEO consists of various strategies meant for large enterprise type organizations that are looking forward to improving their visibility in competitive search results. Enterprise SEO strategies consist of both SEO fundamentals and some modern techniques.

Enterprise SEO Strategies

Enterprise SEO Strategies

The right SEO campaign will help enterprise businesses in targeting local markets, building authority, reaching out to new audiences, and creating influential partnerships. 

An optimized website will always result in earning more traffic. Opting for SEO optimization will provide you with better search results, help you attract more traffic, and convert this incoming traffic into quality leads. 

Optimizing the Site’s Structure 

To ensure that your content is ranking on Google, it has to appear in the first place. Besides this, the search engine has to also access, render, crawl, and index those pages. 

Why do you need to optimize your site structure?

The best possible way to rank your content on Google is to build a well-thought-through site architecture. Make sure that all your content is easily accessible under the budget allocated. 

Well, That is where the trouble begins, it is exceptionally difficult for SEO that deals with hundreds of pages only. So, if it’s a large scale site architecture, you’ll have to optimize it by including more assets. This is how you’ll be able to ensure the crawlability and indexability of all the content. 

How to optimize site structure?

As an enterprise SEO, you’ll have to develop the site architecture and make a comprehensive internal linking strategy. With this, you’ll be sure about the full indexation of content and much more additional stuff.

Do Keyword Research

Keyword research is considered to be one of the most important activities of search engine optimization.

Enterprise SEO Strategies

Why is keyword research important?

The primary reason behind conducting keyword research is to recognize the topics that really mean something to your audiences. Only once you know this, you should move on to find the keywords and search queries used by your audiences for information on topics that interest them.

Generally speaking, keyword research comprises the process of recognizing keywords with higher values and creating content on them. Last but not least, this content is then put out on websites for targeted audiences.

How To Perform Keyword Research?

Talking about Enterprise SEO, here you’ll have to foremost pin down the most pertinent topics. Post that comes the process of matching topics with the main keyword. Now that you have the main keyword, start looking out for related keywords to your main topic.

All the keywords must be refined in order to spot the biggest opportunities. Last but not least, know your priority keywords and put all your focus on them. If you’re finding it difficult to search keywords, you can take the help of keyword research tools too.

Link Building 

While working on enterprise SEO strategies, Link building is not something you are much focused on. The reason behind it is your popularity and the media coverage due to which your domain will get a good number of links every month.

Enterprise SEO Strategies

Why Perform Link Building?

By auditing your internal links, you’ll be able to improve your search visibility. The primary ways to improve your search visibility are as follows:

  • Looking out for possible threats in your link profile.
  • Evaluates your link profile quality and also draw a comparison of it with your competitors.
  • Recognizing the sections that attract the most links in your site and the ones that are not linked much.

How to do link building?

There are several ways of building links for your site,

  • You can ask for backlinks
  • Start writing blogs
  • Put your site into trustworthy directories
  • Having an indirect link from your competitor
  • You must also pay attention to your dead backlinks and remove them.

Competitor Research 

Another important enterprise SEO strategy that will help you stay on track is none other than competitor research.

Why is competitor research a must?

Competitor research is essential in order to know the whereabouts of your competitors. It is next to impossible to grow your business’s search visibility by understanding the key to your competitor’s success. 

How To Do Competitor Research?

Before doing competitive research, you must know who your competitors are in Google, which phrases are those domains already ranking for. Post this, you can build on those phrases and also explore brand new opportunities. 

In the overall process, try to compare your top competitor’s keywords and recognize the important phrases. It will help you understand your audience’s interest in a better way. All you have to do is compare the keywords among your top most competitors and find the common phrases on which they rank. 

Opting for content gaps will be a smart choice when you’re finding the common phrases where all of your competitors rank. Start with comparing two or three competitors’ domains against your keyword. 

Featured Snippet Optimization

Out of all the enterprise SEO strategies, featured snippet strategy can be extremely helpful in bringing your site up in Google’s search results.

Enterprise SEO Strategies

Why opt for Featured Snippet Optimization?

Most people think that featured snippets are the best answers for voice search. Well, that’s true, but there’s more to it than that. Featured snippets always appear before the organic result due to which you’ll be able to get more views and traffic. 

How to featured snippet optimization?

To make sure you appear as a featured snippet, you’ll have to:

  • Ensure to provide an answer to the user’s query in the foremost part of the content. Always address it in Heading – (H1).
  • Don’t forget to optimize the answers in a way that is loved by audiences.

Suppose your content is not addressing the user’s query, then you must perform a content audit on your site. Tools like SEMrush can be of great help in identifying opportunities for your query as a featured snippet.

Technical SEO

No matter if you’re small or a big organization, you’ll need to have some form of technical SEO.

Enterprise SEO Strategies

Why do you need technical SEO?

The primary reason behind opting for technical SEO is to avoid the issues majorly faced by a large-scale enterprise. Technical SEO is one of the most important areas of search engine optimization that is focused on identifying and eliminating the issues even before they cause any problem. 

Suppose your website is facing some issues in the Google search console or any other tools, it will lead all your SEO efforts towards failure.

How To Perform Technical SEO?

The best way to keep this strategy afloat is to make sure that this part is as flexible as possible. Apart from this, the engineering hours should also be allotted to bug fixes and larger projects for fixing any big issues.

Fixing any kind of technical issues will involve working with the IT and development teams. Many issues that you come across will be related to the actual code and build of the site, rather than the content. 

Make sure to give due importance to technical issues and also manage technical debts while you’re optimizing an enterprise site. 

Internal and External Linking 

Generally, most SEO experts forget the power of internal linking. You must always take advantage of linking your pages that are connected to each other. 

Enterprise SEO Strategies

Why Internal Linking? 

Internal linking has the ability to connect your content and prove Google and all other search engines with an idea of your website structure. Also, let them identify the most important pages that will be of greater value to them.

With Internal linking, you have the power to control which page it would be linked to. You’ll also have the control over the anchor text that links to another page. 

Getting your hands on links from external and related sites having higher authority is extremely important for improving your organic traffic. But, remember to focus on quality rather than quantity.

How to do internal linking?

To build internal links, foremost you’ll have to create as much content as you can. Make sure to use anchor text. While you’re using links, ensure that they seem natural to the reader and not something forced on them. 

Always use links that are relevant and not something random. Last but not least, use enough internal links on your content. 

SEO-Friendly Content

Content is considered to be the most important part of enterprise SEO strategies.

Enterprise SEO Strategies

Why do you need SEO-friendly content?

Most of your work is related to the process of creating an SEO-friendly content marketing strategy that will lead you towards more traffic and higher rankings.

How To Write SEO-Friendly Content?

Creating SEO-friendly content is all about working on assets that are focused on the experience of a search user. Content is only considered to be pertinent to the search queries when the information is similar to the content query of the user. 

Most people think SEO-friendly content is limited to adding relevant keywords on a page and in the meta tag. But, surprisingly it is much more than that. In order to create well-optimized and relevant content, you’ll have to pay attention to the needs of people searching for that information. You must work building a content that acts as an asset for your site. 

Once you’re done creating content, pay attention to the structure of it. Google is highly critical about matching the information towards the user’s intent, and avoid the use of duplication of content as it can harm your site’s position in the SERPs.

Read More: Duplicate Content Checker Tools

Structured Data

Structured data is one of the most essential enterprise SEO strategies for dressing and decorating your content. 

Enterprise SEO Strategies

Why Structured Data?

Structured data helps Google in understanding your content in a much better way. It will also increase the chances of your content being shown in the search engine results. Not only that, but it is also a way to get higher CTR, traffic, etc. 

How to create structured data?

Foremost, you’ll have to go to Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper. Then you’ll have to choose your data type and put the URL. Once you’ve done that, highlight the page elements and allot data tags. 

Now it is time to create the HTML and add the schema markup to your page. After all of this, test your markup with Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool.

In this digital arena, some of the tasks and strategies can be automated. This will provide you with enough free time for spending it on sales, making strategy, and dealing with clients.

On-page SEO

The term On-page SEO refers to the optimization of web page content for search engines and audiences. The most common practices of on-page SEO are optimization of content, title tags and URLs.

Why opt for on-page SEO?

On-page SEO is extremely important for helping search engines in understanding your website thoroughly and also the content within it. With the changing times, even the search engines are becoming more sophisticated and the overall focus is on materiality and semantics in search engine results pages (SERPs).

How To Perform On-page SEO?

Foremost, you’ll have to make sure that your site is crawled. Post this, conduct an SEO audit along with defining your site structure. Now, it’s time to update all the URLs, page titles, and meta descriptions of your site. 

Always remember that your keyword must be present in your meta description. Apart from this, try cooperating your focus keyword in the overall content. Avoid keyword stuffing, it can have a negative effect on your site.


In recent times, the search engine has become smarter than ever. Due to this, there is a big war and greater competition to rank in the first position. But with the help of right enterprise SEO strategies, you’ll be able to reach top of the search engines 

Enterprise SEO is quite similar to other fields of SEO. The only difference is that it is done on a larger scale indeed. The only way to deliver results is to use an enterprise SEO platform with the capability to manage large data sets.

We hope this blog on enterprise SEO will be of great help to your large-scale enterprise and lead it towards success.

If you have any questions, please feel free to write in the comments.

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